Jesus Demigod
Why did Judas have to identify Jesus with a kiss? Do the Gospels themselves leave evidence that Jesus didn’t die on the cross but was instead saved by an ingenious plan? And what does the text itself actually say about the cloud that appeard in the Transfiguration and which ultimately carried Jesus up into the skies?
But above all, what sets Jesus apart from the other Greco-Roman demigods still worshipped in his own time, allowing him to perform similar or even greater miracles than they could?
A meticulous and unbiased investigation, that not only deconstructs the standard story of Jesus, but also offers a new, and at times shocking, view on a figure that has shaped history.

Jesus Demigod
Why did Judas have to identify Jesus with a kiss? Do the Gospels themselves leave evidence that Jesus didn’t die on the cross but was instead saved by an ingenious plan? And what does the text itself actually say about the cloud that appeard in the Transfiguration and which ultimately carried Jesus up into the skies?
But above all, what sets Jesus apart from the other Greco-Roman demigods still worshipped in his own time, allowing him to perform similar or even greater miracles than they could?
A meticulous and unbiased investigation, that not only deconstructs the standard story of Jesus, but also offers a new, and at times shocking, view on a figure that has shaped history.
English subtitiles
In this book Mauro Biglino and Francesco Esposito examine the original texts on the life of Jesus, taking us on a provocative investigative journey into some of the most disquieting puzzles about this man. Privileging the textual facts in the earliest original accounts over the theological explanations intending to obscure those facts, Biglino and Esposito uncover the mystery of this puzzling figure who has for centuries remained shrouded in dogma.

Mauro Biglino
Mauro Biglino is a translator of Biblical Hebrew who has spent over a decade working with Edizioni San Paolo, one of the leading Catholic publishers in Italy. He has translated and published seventeen books from the Old Testament in the Interlinear Hebrew Bible edition, known for its rigorous academic format that allows for detailed study of the original Hebrew text.
Throughout his career as an independent researcher, Biglino has introduced a groundbreaking literal interpretation of the biblical text at hundreds of conferences and lectures. His extensive editorial work has resulted in numerous essays, some of which have become significant bestsellers, greatly influencing biblical studies and sparking engaging discussions.
With the recent publication of The Naked Bible (2022) and Gods of the Bible (2023), along with various collaborations and in-depth explorations on his YouTube channel—Mauro Biglino Official Channel—he remains actively engaged in the field of biblical studies as an independent scholar and communicator.

Francesco Esposito
Francesco Esposito, born in 1986 in Lamezia Terme, Italy, teaches Philosophy, History, and Italian Literature. He has a diverse academic background, which includes a Master’s degree in Philosophical Sciences with a specialization in Roman History and Early Christian Literature, earned in 2013, and a second Master’s degree in Modern Philology, obtained in 2021.
Since 2005 he has been a scholar of the History of Early Christianity. Among his most notable works are Paul of Tarsus and the Invention of Christianity (2022), Word to the Christians (2023), and The Apocalypse of Jesus (2024). You can follow the author on his YouTube channel, Francesco Esposito, and Facebook page, Francesco Esposito Scrittore.

Mauro Biglino
Mauro Biglino è stato un traduttore professionista di ebraico biblico per Edizioni San Paolo, con cui ha tradotto e pubblicato, nella prestigiosa edizione Bibbia Ebraica Interlineare, diciassette libri dell’Antico Testamento.
Nella sua decennale carriera di ricercatore indipendente Biglino ha proposto, in centinaia di incontri e conferenze, una rivoluzionaria interpretazione letterale del testo biblico, sostenuta da un’intensa attività editoriale che ha portato alla stampa di numerosi saggi. Alcuni di questi libri, pubblicati da Mondadori, si sono affermati come autentici fenomeni editoriali entrando di diritto nella categoria Bestsellers.
La sua attività di autore e divulgatore continua tuttora con la recente pubblicazione di Gods of the Bible in lingua inglese, per la casa editrice Tuthi, e diverse collaborazioni e approfondimenti sul suo canale Youtube personale, Mauro Biglino Official Channel.

Francesco Esposito
Francesco Esposito, Lamezia Terme (CZ), classe 1986, docente di Filosofia, Storia e Letteratura italiana. Dal 2005 è studioso di Storia del Cristianesimo antico, nel 2013 consegue una Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche con specializzazione in Storia romana e Letteratura cristiana antica. Nel 2017 si specializza come docente di Italiano per gli stranieri con un Master di II livello in “Didattica dell’Italiano come L2” e nel 2021 consegue una seconda Laurea Magistrale in Filologia Moderna. Fra i suoi lavori più importanti ricordiamo: Paolo di Tarso e l’invenzione del Cristianesimo (2022), Parola ai cristiani (2023) e L’apocalisse di Gesù (2024). È possibile seguire l’autore sul suo canale Youtube “Francesco Esposito”, o su Facebook sulla sua pagina autoriale “Esposito Francesco Scrittore”.
“For Paul, Jesus is a kyrios, a lord, a compelling figure, yes, but intermediate with respect to the gradation of being, which, in the Platonic conception, extends from the intelligible world to the sensible world, from the lofty heights of the world of ideas to the lowness of the earthly horizon on which, ultimately, Jesus will hang on the cross, between Heaven and Earth, halfway between men and gods.”
- Introduction
- — Part 1: THE CONTEXT
- 1 / Demigods in the Ancient World
- 2 / Paul and the Jesuans
- 3 / The New Testament
- 4 / The Unknown God
- 5 / The First Steps of Christianity
- 6 / The Christian Pantheon
- 7 / Jesus’ Age
- 8 / The Birth of a Demigod
- 9 / Metamorphoses of Jesus
- 10 / The Event X
- 11 / The Wait for the Return
- 12 / The Ascent to the Sky
- Introduction
- — Part 1: THE CONTEXT
- 1 / Demigods in the Ancient World
- 2 / Paul and the Jesuans
- 3 / The New Testament
- 4 / The Unknown God
- 5 / The First Steps of Christianity
- 6 / The Christian Pantheon
- 7 / Jesus’ Age
- 8 / The Birth of a Demigod
- 9 / Metamorphoses of Jesus
- 10 / The Event X
- 11 / The Wait for the Return
- 12 / The Ascent to the Sky
Discover my work
The best way to get to know my work is by reading my books. Each of them portrays one aspect of my research, and they all contain plenty of observations capable of challenging what we already know about the Bible. A selection of my books has already been translated in several languages that include: English, German, French and Portuguese.

Discover my work
The best way to get to know my work is by reading my books. Each of them portrays one aspect of my research, and they all contain plenty of observations capable of challenging what we already know about the Bible. A selection of my books has already been translated in several languages that include: English, German, French and Portuguese.